When it comes to subliminal's and manifestation, they are basically one in the same.
When using the law of attraction we put out a belief which then attracts/manifests a desire e.g. lifestyle, job, relationship, weight loss and so on. This belief then goes out into the universe as a frequency, thus bringing results either negative or positive depending on our thoughts and feelings.
Subliminal's help to manifest what we want using our subconscious mind. Since our subconscious mind controls 95% of our brain activity, this shows us the impact subliminal messages have on our life. Media controlled subliminal messages are not very beneficial, but choosing to listen to them willingly on Youtube can bring positive life changes.

1. Feel good (Be positive)
First thing's first, you need to feel good. When sending out frequencies into the universe, you will need to ensure they are positive frequencies as negative ones will attract negative circumstances and that is the last thing you need!
For example, if you want to become rich and attract money then you should NOT feel negative feelings or have negative thoughts about money or wealthy people.
If you do, then you will subconsciously spend all of your money to ensure you stay broke since your mind thinks money and rich people are "evil", "selfish" or "stuck up". Because you don't want to be "evil", "selfish" or "stuck up" then your mind will automatically make sure you never become rich, which is a serious problem. But now you know this, you can easily change your mind set.
As children we probably heard things from our parents like "Money doesn't grow on trees", "Rich people are selfish and evil people" or "We can't afford that!" as well as other things which then get forced into the depths of our subconscious as negative thoughts and feelings about money.
“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” - T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book.

If you want to change your beliefs about money then listen to this "Attract Money Subliminal". This will change your subconscious beliefs making it easy to attract money into your life which will then make you rich.
To feel good is to change our negative beliefs about money, our lives and ourselves. We are often too hard on ourselves which prevents us from manifesting better things.
A couple of steps to help you feel good include:
● Whenever you catch yourself saying anything negative, change it to a positive.
●Try meditation and balancing the chakras to help you feel balanced and free from stress.
●Eat fruit and vegetables for a healthy mind, body and soul
2. Be grateful
Another important step to manifesting your desires is to be grateful for what you already have. If you have food on the table, clothes on your back and a roof over your head then you have more than a majority of families around the globe. So count yourself lucky.
I know sometimes on social media we look at people that look better, have amazing bodies, "perfect" relationships, beautiful houses and luxurious lifestyles. The reality is most of the time these things seem perfect but they really aren't. People, especially influencers will not post when they feel depressed, down or if something bad happens to them so we just assume that they are always happy. This can bring up negative feelings and jealousy which is not healthy for us.

Just keep in mind that there is always someone worse off and people go through a lot in their lives. Nothing and no one is perfect in any way.
We can all be grateful for at least something in our life.. whether its our family, friends, a pet, our partner or even a flower or a candle. Whatever it is just focus on something to grateful for.
If you want to attract your perfect life try downloading this "Perfect Life Subliminal"
If we want to attract a better house then we need to be grateful about the place we already live in and feel it with all of our heart, even if there are flaws which there is in every home.
If we want to look prettier then we need to already be grateful for our beauty. For example, you might have beautiful eyes, nice full eyebrows, long eyelashes or whatever it is. Even if it is only one thing you might like about yourself, then focus on that thing overtime you look in the mirror and you will feel so much better.
3. Detach yourself
One of the worst things to do when trying to get results from a subliminal or manifest something is to become attached. Being obsessed about a certain goal or result will only bring up feelings of lack which will make it almost impossible to gain any sort of desire.
The best thing to do is to detach and focus on something else. It could be a hobby or going out with friends. Just anything to keep your mind off what you want to manifest so you do not obsess. It may be hard when you want to get a "perfect body" in a couple of days, which most of us would want as well. But even for the best manifesters this is a challenge. So when you are done listening to the subliminal or setting the intention for the day then focus on something else and trust that the universe will give you your results.
You should never put a time limit on what you are manifesting. Whether it be a week, month or year. Everyone is different and their subconscious mind is wired differently which means some people may achieve results faster than others but it does not mean that your results are not on their way. Just be patient.
To get faster manifestation results download this "Subliminal Booster and Flush"
It will help boost results and flush out negative thoughts.
4. Act as if
The fastest way to manifest what you want is to act as if it is already yours. What do I mean by this? Well let me give you some examples.
If you want to become rich, then you need to act as if you already are. If you are paying for bills or for shopping, you need to give off positive feeling. I know how hard this will be but with practice it will work wonders. Feel happy for paying things since you know the money will come right back to you anyways. Walk like a rich person would, dress like a wealthy individual would. Would rich me be insecure or confident? You need to act like this.

If you want to attract a relationship, then you need to make space in your wardrobe for two instead of one and sleep at one side of the bed instead of taking up the whole thing. Also getting out there will help when trying to meet new partners. You can't just hide in your home and expect someone to show up at your door, you need to take action and go out.
There is a difference between acting as if you already have what you are attracting and obsessing. You already have the confidence of knowing what you have is yours so you do not need to feel insecure which leads to attachment and obsessing.
5. Visualise
Visualising is another way for fast manifestation. Since the mind can't tell the difference between dreaming and reality, we can then use this information to our advantage.
There was a study done where participants would think about exercising a specific area of their body while sitting on a chair. The researchers then noticed that the same areas in the brain were working with the muscles of the targeted area, the same as if they were actually working out.This shows us exactly how powerful visualising is.
It even works with our facial. You may have acne ridden skin for example, but then at nights before you sleep you visualise yourself with clear and smooth skin. In return you end up with flawless skin. Like I mentioned before, things take time so don't give up.
You are able to visualise anything on yourself and your life. You just need to believe it and it will come.
A great activity to do is to make a vision board. You can get creative by using card paper and sticking images of the car you want, the body you would like to have, the job you wish to attract and whatever else you want to manifest. You will need to ensure the vision board is kept in an area in your home or office where you will see it regularly to manifest your desires quickly.

This has been done before by celebrities such as Oprah, Beyonce, Jim Carrey and Ellen DeGeneres to name a few. This may be one of the reasons they have attracted such an extravagant life.
6. Start scripting
Writing in a journal or note pad is another good tip when wanting to manifest something. You can script everyday or once in a while when you want to attract something into your life.
When journalling, you should write as if you already have the thing or lifestyle that you want to attract. This is one of the easiest ways to manifest what you desire since you begin feeling, thinking and acting as if what you want is your reality as well as getting in alignment with the universe. For example, if you want a house by the ocean you should write in detail what you want the outside and the inside to look like. Also what it feels like waking up in the morning including sounds and how it smells beside the ocean. The more detail you include then the more you can use your imagination to work with you to manifest what it is you want exactly.